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2024-12-16 MUGOO Zoom iMeeting - Annual Christmas Show-n-Tell

Started by AdminMan, November 26, 2024, 09:00:27 PM

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We still cannot have in-person meetings at the library. So we will use Zoom.

Date: Monday December 16, 2024
Time: 7:30 PM ET  You can join the Zoom meeting starting at 7:20.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID:     893 5165 0036
Passcode:        510962

Although Zoom works in many browsers we STRONGLY recommend using the dedicated app on your device with the largest screen for the best experience.
You do NOT need a Zoom account to join a meeting!
If you need instructions, go here: https://mugoo.com/index.php/Main/UsingZOOM


Presentations on the Agenda so far...

Airfly audio device                                        - John Wilson
Iceland slideshow                                          - John Wilson

Discovering Sable Island - slideshow           - David Rhynas

A short seasonal slideshow                          - Peter Koelbleitner

Two moods of Dallas - video project            - Wally Kuzmicz

This meeting will be the Zoom annual Show-n-Tell on Monday December 16th at 7:30.  We invite you to show off the things you've been doing using Apple technology ... hardware, software, services and Apple-related websites.  This includes but is not limited to ...

- photo slideshows
- video projects
- audio/music projects
- interesting use of applications (for example Gillian gave a nice presentation on organizing her household things using a spreadsheet)
- how you manage your life and entertain yourself using Apple-related technology

Please email your presentation offers to show@mugoo.com


Prez Wally

Unfortunately, no after meeting wings or desserts at the Royal Oak, but feel free to prepare your own snacks and share them with us on screen!

Did you miss a meeting?
Sign up for emailed meeting notices! https://mugoo.com/index.php/Main/MeetingReminders

Don't forget the Ottawa Public Library!
Even though we are unable to meet in person at the library, the OPL still offers a wealth of services you can access online. Go to https://biblioottawalibrary.ca/en


This was our annual Show-n-Tell session.

Airfly Audio Transmitter presentation - with John Wilson
John presented a Bluetooth audio transmitter Airfly for use with his Apple AirPods https://www.twelvesouth.com/products/airfly .  The main purpose was connecting to their tour guides' QuietVox commentary without cumbersome wires.  It also worked well when listening to music or watching movies on a plane. He also tried it as an audio monitor for his vocal quartet, but Bluetooth latency is an issue, so it is not suitable for a live performance situation.  You can view John's presentation deck at https://mugoo.com/bigfiles/2024-12-16_Airfly.pdf

Iceland slideshow - with John Wilson
John presented a slideshow of his 18-day trip to Iceland, which included an 8-day cruise along the south coast.  He and his wife used a travel agent based in Reykjavik to help with the logistics, which proved to be a successful strategy.  John also mentioned that they took over 6,000 photos using their iPhones, and along the way shared the best of these in a private Facebook group.  John highlighted the challenges of driving on dirt roads and the beauty of the landscapes, including the waterfalls, black sand beaches, and basalt columns.  Highlights of the trip included the WestFjords and the Westman Islands.

Discovering Sable Island slideshow - with David Rhynas
David then shared his own slideshow of a recent expedition cruise to Atlantic Canada, focusing on Sable Island.  He discussed his photography kit, which includes an iPhone 15 Pro and a Fujifilm X-T5 digital single lens reflex camera, and how they were used to capture his experiences.

Sable Island is Canada's 43rd National Park, with a resident population of only four or five people at any given time.  The island is known for its 400 shipwrecks and various scientific research programs. The group observed the world's largest breeding colony of gray seals and the famous wild horses. The island's delicate ecosystem supports 200 species of vegetation, 350 bird species, numerous fish and insect species. The group had the opportunity to visit the island at sunset and hike about the dunes the next day, observing the wild horses and flora and fauna. The weather was favorable for their visit, allowing them to fully experience the island's natural beauty.  David also shared a video montage using a professional photographer's aerial drone, to showcase the island from an aerial perspective.

A Short Antarctica Seasonal slideshow - with Peter Koelbleitner
Peter then shared his experience of his 2023 Antarctic expedition, mentioning that he took around 8,000 photos during the 3-week trip.  He also introduced an app called Provoke Camera, which allows users to create black and white photos in the style of Japanese photographers from the 1960s http://www.tambo.jp/en/provoke/ .  Peter mentioned that he used a tool called Photo Stage to create this montage https://www.nchsoftware.com/slideshow/download-now.html .  You can view Peter's seasonal slide show at  https://mugoo.com/bigfiles/2024-12-16_Seasonal.mp4

Two Moods of Dallas video project - with Wally Kuzmicz
Wally shared a video he created using photographs and clips from his 2014 trip to Dallas, Texas. The video was about two moods of Dallas, one being the silly mood of visiting the Dallas TV program museum and the other being the serious mood of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The video was well-received, but there were some Zoom technical issues with the audio, particularly suppression of the music tracks.  David and Wally agreed to test the video offline before our next meeting in January.  You can view Wally's video at  https://mugoo.com/bigfiles/2024-12-16_Dallas.mp4 .  It demonstrates how images are more powerful with the appropriate audio accompaniment.

Before signing off, the group also discussed their holiday plans and wished each other a happy holiday season.