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2023-11-27 MUGOO Zoom iMeeting

Started by AdminMan, November 16, 2023, 11:47:04 AM

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We still cannot have in-person meetings at the library. So we will use Zoom.

Date: Monday November 27, 2023
Time: 7:30 PM ET  You can join the Zoom meeting starting at 7:20.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID:   expired
Passcode:      expired

Although Zoom works in many browsers we STRONGLY recommend using the dedicated app on your device with the largest screen for the best experience.
You do NOT need a Zoom account to join a meeting!
If you need instructions, go here: https://mugoo.com/index.php/Main/UsingZOOM


0 - Group chin-wag during log on                                                                       7:20 - 7:30
1 - News and Views - members' new tech
     arrivals to chat about                                                                                      7:30 - 7:40

2 - JustPressRecord.app                                                  with LeRoy Lees           7:40 - 8:15

3 - Notes.app - dictation and other features                  group discussion          8:15 - 8:45     
4 - Presidential Sign Off                                                 with Wally Kuzmicz       25 seconds                                                                                             

Unfortunately, no after meeting wings or desserts at the Royal Oak, but feel free to prepare your own snacks and share them with us on screen!

Did you miss a meeting?
Sign up for emailed meeting notices! https://mugoo.com/index.php/Main/MeetingReminders

Don't forget the Ottawa Public Library!
Even though we are unable to meet in person at the library, the OPL still offers a wealth of services you can access online. Go to https://biblioottawalibrary.ca/en


1 - News and Views                                                                                     
Room rentals at the library are still not offered in the evenings (ever since the pandemic) so we are continuing with Zoom for the time being.  There has been some discussion about the possibility of a daytime meeting since most of our membership are now retired ... to be considered in the new year.

Keith recently purchased an iPhone Pro Max, with the enhanced optical zoom capability.  LeRoy took advantage of Black Friday and obtained an M2 iPad Pro.  We'll hear about the new capabilities as people become more familiar.

Mary-Sue recently acquired a higher resolution BenQ monitor and can now view two pages of text side-by-side.  She has not yet figured how best to attach a video cam.

We also encountered the curious anomaly where the Zoom AI thought that Marc was speaking Romanian so his chat transcription was in that language (Eu le-am găsit), before he changed it back!

2 - Just Press Record app - with LeRoy Lees
LeRoy shared his presentation outline using Notes and summarized his experience with the app Just Press Record https://www.openplanetsoftware.com/just-press-record/ It is available for iOS, iPad OS, macOS and there is now also a version for Apple Watch.  It is a nominal cost ($6.99 Canadian) and provides one tap recording with optional transcription.  He finds it very helpful when people are talking "a mile a minute" especially at the Doctor's office.  It's also a boon when your financial advisor is giving you advice over the phone. 

Once recorded, the app provides the ability to edit the audio and text transcription for a more concise summary.   When his wife was in hospital, he could share the doctor's update with his nurse sister in Calgary to compare notes.  The files can be stored on your iPhone or uploaded to iCloud for syncing across all of your Apple devices.

Stephen pointed out that the Apple Voice Memos app provides some of the capabilities, but not the in-built transcription to different languages.  Marc also pointed out that you don't need to worry about privacy; there is no contact with an external server.

3 - Notes app - dictation and other features - group discussion
Wally observed that the Apple Notes app also has the capability of accepting dictation and providing real-time transcription. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PT7TFVByKeI

You can also scan a scribbled handwritten list, document or photo in Notes. https://www.pcmag.com/how-to/things-you-didnt-know-apples-notes-app-could-do

Some of the other interesting Notes features include saving them in iCloud for access across all of your Apple ecosystem, searching for specific notes, sharing notes with a designated person with an optional privacy password, standard and customized folders, tagging your notes for ease of searching.  Notes does not yet provide real-time language translation.

There was some post discussion on financial apps for the mac.  Stephen was recently advised that one of his favourite apps, Inuit Mint, is being discontinued.  Marc mentioned that Mint has a poor privacy rating.  Monarch Finance is the most recommended follow-on to Mint. https://www.monarchmoney.com/compare/mint-alternative# with their associated privacy statement https://www.monarchmoney.com/privacy#how-we-share-your-personal-data.  Apparently, it is soon to be but not quite yet available in Canada.

Our MUGOO Show 'n Tell will be on December 18th this year and an email will be coming soon for suggestions.