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2022-12-12 MUGOO Zoom iMeeting - Annual Christmas Show-n-Tell

Started by AdminMan, November 29, 2022, 04:59:26 PM

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We still cannot have in-person meetings at the library, so the following Zoom details apply.

Date: Monday December 12, 2022 ( 2 weeks early!!!)
Time: 7:30 PM ET  You can join the Zoom meeting starting at 7:20.
Venue: A Zoom meeting that you can join on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID:   expired
Passcode:     expired

Although Zoom works in many browsers we STRONGLY recommend using the dedicated app on your device with the largest screen for the best experience.
You do NOT need a Zoom account to join a meeting!
If you need instructions, go here: https://mugoo.com/index.php/Main/UsingZOOM


0 - Group chin-wag during log on                                                        7:20 - 7:30                                                                                         

1 - Show-n-Tell - 4 presentations                                                          7:30 - ~8:50

  - A Look at Some Home Automation                                                - John Wilson
  - Graffiti and Wall Art in Various Places                                            - Peter Koelbleitner
  - A Camcorder Team Manual for Windows People Using a Mac      - Wally Kuzmicz
  - Greenland and Wild Labrador                                                        - David Rhynas                   

2 - Presidential Sign Off - with Wally Kuzmicz                                      0.5 minutes                                                                                                                       
Unfortunately, no after meeting wings or desserts at the Royal Oak, but feel free to prepare your own snacks and share them with us on screen!

Did you miss a meeting?
Sign up for emailed meeting notices! https://mugoo.com/index.php/Main/MeetingReminders

Don't forget the Ottawa Public Library!
Even though we are unable to meet in person at the library, the OPL still offers a wealth of services you can access online. Go to https://biblioottawalibrary.ca/en


Show-n-Tell Presentations
This was our annual session where members get to present various projects they are working on with their macs or iOS devices.

A Look at Some Home Automation - John Wilson
John provided an overview of his home sound and lighting control systems.

The heart of the sound system is a multi-room controller product from Russound.  He has 900 CD's in several CD carousels.  These can be independently accessed and delivered to six zones within his house.  Different high fidelity music can be selected for different zones at the same time, using either an in-wall remote or iOS app.  It is also possible to stream audio channels to all zones.

John maintains all his CD artwork in plastic sleeves.  There is also a catalogue on his mac for online searching.

There was a brief discussion on playlists.  John does not use playlists per se, but each CD is in fact a mini playlist, a sequence that the artist intended.  Playlists have become a form of social currency for younger people, whereas older folks tend to look at book collections.

ADT Pulse is the heart of John's home lighting control system.  It is completely wireless, and communicates with in-wall switches and outlets.  He can select random times and random lights to make the house look occupied.  John can view stats on both macOS and iOS products, and it is integrated with his home alarm system.

The programming is not lost during a power outage, and will "self fix" after a longer outage if the house is unoccupied for an extended period of time.  Telus bought the company ADT and unfortunately, service quality has gone downhill although the products are still good.

You can view John's presentation deck here: https://mugoo.com/bigfiles/2022-12-12-Some-Home-Automation.pdf

Graffiti and Wall Art in Various Places - Peter Koelbleitner
Peter screened an edgy video with various graffiti photos he has captured over the years, to the accompaniment of O Fortuna from Carmina Burana by Carl Orff.  The video was developed using a now discontinued product, Social Gold. You can rewatch Peter's presentation here: https://mugoo.com/bigfiles/2022-12-12-Graffiti.mp4

A Camcorder Team Manual for Windows People Using a Mac - Wally Kuzmicz
Since the onset of Covid-19, Wally has been providing technical support to record and upload Sunday services to YouTube for his church St. James the Apostle Anglican in Perth, Ontario.  The hardware setup consists of a high quality camcorder, hydraulic tripod, and 5 to 10 microphones on any given day connected to a mixer.  Wally has been very effective in "dumpster diving" and refurbishing mac computer equipment that otherwise would have been thrown out.

Since there is a small team of other volunteers who must use the setup on rotating basis, it became necessary to develop a simple step-by-step manual and label each to of the A/V controls.  You can view Wally's presentation deck here: https://mugoo.com/bigfiles/2022-12-12-CamTeam-Manual.pdf

Greenland and Wild Labrador - David Rhynas
David screened some highlight photos from a recent and amazing expedition trip.  The focus was on Greenland and Torngat Mountains National Park on the north east coast of Labrador.

Greenland is the world's largest island and part of the Kingdom of Denmark.  It is roughly the size of Ontario and Quebec combined.  If the Greenland ice sheet were to entirely melt, sea level would rise by 7 meters.

Greenland has a population of 56,000 making it the least densely populated country in the world.  90% of the citizens are Inuit, as is the case for most northerners in Canada, Nordic countries, Alaska and Russia.  They generally speak the same language with different dialects.

Torngat Mountains National Park encompasses 9,700 square km of mountainous terrain between Northern Quebec and the Labrador Sea.  It is the largest national park in Atlantic Canada and contains the highest mountains in Mainland Canada east of the Rockies.