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2020-03-23 MUGOO iMeeting (Now ONLINE due to COVID-19!)

Started by AdminMan, March 13, 2020, 10:43:00 PM

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As you undoubtedly know, the city of Ottawa has closed all the libraries for some time. The message from the city is:
QuotePlease note that OPL branches will close temporarily starting Monday, March 16 until Sunday, April 5. The decision is in response to recent measures implemented across the City under the guidance of Ottawa Public Health (OPH) with regards to COVID-19 (coronavirus). As a result, all meeting room rentals for these dates will be cancelled. Rental fees, if applicable, will be refunded in the near future.

Since we can't (and shouldn't) have an in-person iMeeting, we plan to have an online meeting at the regular time and date using Zoom. Please join us!

Date: 2020-03-23 (Monday)
Time: 7:30 PM EDT
Venue: A Zoom meeting that you can join on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac. Although Zoom works in many browsers we STRONGLY recommend using the dedicated app for the best experience. You do NOT need a Zoom account to join a meeting!


  • See the dedicated MUGOO/Zoom page here: https://mugoo.com/index.php/Main/UsingZOOM
  • Download and install the app BEFORE the meeting
  • Use whichever device has the biggest screen so you can see the presentations clearly
  • If you plan to ask questions or have your video (webcam) image appear, be sure to test your sound and video BEFORE the meeting
  • There are tons of videos and help pages on the Zoom site: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us


1 - Getting started with ZOOM - 15 to 30 minutes - with Neil Herber (we expect it may take 15 minutes or more to get everyone connected the first time)

2 - Anybody need help with ... ? - 0 to 20 minutes - since the Genius bars are closed, do you have any pressing problems we can solve as a group?

3 - Tap Forms digital filing cabinet - 40 minutes - with Marc Servant

4 - Presidential sign-off - 1.25 minutes - with Wally Kuzmicz

Unfortunately, no after meeting wings or desserts at the Royal Oak, but feel free to prepare your own snacks and share them with us on screen!

Zoom meeting details:
Meeting ID: expired
Meeting password: expired
Please note that the ID and password will not work until the start time of 7:30 PM


MUGOO Meeting Minutes - 23 Mar 2020

1 - Getting started with ZOOM - with Neil Herber (we expect it may take 15 minutes or more to get everyone connected the first time)

- General Discussions

2 - Anybody need help with ... ? - since the Genius bars are closed, do you have any pressing problems we can solve as a group?

- General Discussions

3 - Tap Forms digital filing cabinet - with Marc Servant

- Tap Forms Website:  https://www.tapforms.com
- Online Tutorials:  https://vimeo.com/channels/tapformsmac5

4 - Presidential sign-off - with Wally Kuzmicz

-General discussions
Marc Servant