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2019-11-25 MUGOO iMeeting

Started by AdminMan, November 05, 2019, 08:27:59 PM

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Greetings MUGOOites,

Our next iMeeting will be on Monday Nov 25, 2019 at 7:30 PM, Room 1B at Ben Franklin Place 101 Centrepointe Drive.  Guests are welcome for a nominal $5 fee.

1 - Get your sparse bundles here!      - 20 min - with Neil Herber
     > Including Executive elections           

2 - Catalina Bad, iOS 13 Good           - 30 min - with Marc Servant
      BREAK                                     ~ 20 min - extra chin-wag time
                                                                     for deeper discussions       
3 - Password Managers Update         - 30 min - with Neil and Marc

4 - New Photos, New Memories,        - 30 min - group discussion
     New Adventures - "Photos"
     Changes on 3 Platforms                                                                 

And of course ... after-meeting blather across the parking lot at the Royal Oak Pub, featuring half-price wings and life-extending desserts.


Get your sparse bundles here!   - with Neil Herber

WARNING: No bunnies or puppies in this edition.

1) Election time! Please ignore any presidential bribery ... Floor nominations for President, Meeting Coordinator, Treasurer, and Secretary. The VP is the previous President and all other positions are appointed by the exec. Stand for office yourself!

2) Dues reminder ... Still a super-cheap $40 for Sept to Aug. Covers the cost of the room rental and other incidentals. No need to prorate for late joiners since it is $5 per individual meeting.

3) Blackness is approaching! ... Hold off on that next big or small purchase until you check out the Black Friday (Nov 29, 2019) and Cyber Monday (Dec 2, 2019) deals. Things I would look for:
--- software license renewals
--- new software and hardware
--- service deals on things like VPNs, phone plans, etc.
Shopping tips to get the most out of Black Friday and Cyber Monday (US biased) https://www.engadget.com/2019/11/20/shopping-tips-to-get-the-most-out-of-black-friday-and-cyber-mond/
Too late for the Mark's storewide sale last Fri/Sat - 30 to 70% off EVERYTHING.

4) News & Views ...

--- Home Guard app that helps secure your home! Home Guard is free (and ad-free) and scans your Wi-Fi network for all connected devices. It identifies those that pose security risks and alerts you about device vulnerabilities.  https://www.avira.com/en/home-guard

--- Suspicionless search of mobile devices ruled unconstitutional (USA)  US federal judge has ruled that searches of phones or mobile devices by border agents without grounds for suspicion is unconstitutional. US Border agents conducted approximately 30,000 warrantless searches of devices in 2017, the year the suit was filed.  https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/federal-judge-rules-suspicionless-device-searches-at-the-border-are-illegal/ar-BBWF9Mj

--- UK Government Brexit App Riddled with Security Issues.  A Home Office app intended for EU citizens to apply for UK residency lacks basic security, potentially exposing the passport and biometric information of over one million users, according to experts.  https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/uk-government-brexit-app-riddled/

--- LA Warns Travelers of Juice Jacking Scams. ?Travelers should avoid using public USB power charging stations in airports, hotels and other locations because they may contain dangerous malware,?  https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/la-warns-travelers-of-juice/

--- Google's Sidewalk project brings citizen scores to Toronto. (In China Sesame Credit becomes compulsory for all citizens in 2020.) https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-sidewalk-labs-document-reveals-companys-early-plans-for-data/

--- New Website Mocks Excuses Given by Breached Companies. https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/new-website-mocks-breach-excuses/
Includes such gems as "Russians used an open window in the server room to transfer 7 petabytes of data"
(May contain language offensive to some.)

... the end

For later ... Apple has a plan to ensure iOS 13's buggy launch doesn't happen again   https://www.engadget.com/2019/11/21/apple-has-a-plan-to-ensure-ios-13s-buggy-launch-doesnt-happen/


Meeting Notes for 25 Nov 2019

1 - Get your sparse bundles here!      - 20 min - with Neil Herber

See notes in previous reply above.

1A - MUGOO Executive elections:

The results are in.  The existing members were voted in by acclamation.  Here is the updated list of the executive:

President            Wally Kuzmicz      Acclaimed
Vice President         Ferriss High         Acclaimed
Meeting Coordinator      Vacant         -
Treasurer            Steve Lawrenson      Acclaimed
Secretary            Marc Servant      Acclaimed

Executive appointments confirmed:

Membership coordinator   Jonathan Hooper      Appointed
Web Master            Neil Herber         Appointed
iOS Technical Advisor      Vacant         Appointed
Technical Advisor         LeRoy Lees         Appointed
Apple Ambassador      Laurence Head      Appointed
Ambassador at Large      Lynda Matsumoto      Appointed

2 - Catalina Bad, iOS 13 Good           - 30 min - with Marc Servant


3 - Password Managers Update         - 30 min - with Neil and Marc

Presentation attached at end of this post

RoboForm:  https://www.roboform.com/lp?frm=rfp-012&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_9PQk6qR5gIVFonICh0cUALZEAAYASAAEgIAYfD_BwE
1password:   https://1password.com
Last Pass:     https://www.lastpass.com
Dashlane:     https://www.dashlane.com

Gibson Research Corporation:  https://www.grc.com/haystack.htm
Perfect passwords:     https://www.grc.com/passwords.htm

4 - New Photos, New Memories,        - 30 min - group discussion - Deferred to next year.
     New Adventures - "Photos"
     Changes on 3 Platforms                                                                 
Marc Servant