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2019-10-28 MUGOO iMeeting

Started by AdminMan, September 24, 2019, 02:35:48 PM

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Greetings MUGOOites,

Our next iMeeting will be on Monday Oct 28, 2019 at 7:30 PM, Room 1B at Ben Franklin Place 101 Centrepointe Drive.  Guests are welcome for a nominal $5 fee.

1 - News, Views, Dues and Youse                                       - 20 min - with Neil Herber
     > Including Executive election nominations           

2 - Letting the Catalina Out of The Bag                                - 30 min - Group Discussion
     > How safe is Mac OS 10.15? 
     > Are you feelin lucky, punk?
      BREAK - extra chin-wag time for deeper discussions        ~ 20 min
3 - Top 10 Features of the new iPad OS and iOS 13               - 30 min - with Marc Servant
     > Flashing your dongle and other fine ideas

4 - iPhone 11 -  First Impressions                                         - 30 min - Group Discussion
     > Way Cool                                                                 

And of course ... after-meeting blather across the parking lot at the Royal Oak Pub, featuring half-price wings and delightfully digestible desserts.


News, Views, Dues, and Youse - with Neil Herber

WARNING: The following topics are not in the same order as the title.

1) Dues clarification: Rather than starting the fiscal year in January, it makes much more sense to do so in September. Still a super-cheap $40 for Sept to Aug. Covers the cost of the room rental and other incidentals. No need to prorate for late joiners since it is $5 per individual meeting.

2) Elections! Throw out the bums that have brought shame upon the Republic ... aahhh, the User Group! Send your nominations for President, Meeting Coordinator, Treasurer, and Secretary to exec@mugoo.com. The VP is the previous President and all other positions are appointed by the exec. Stand for office yourself!

3) News & Views ...

--- "Hey Alexa, wipe my...":   Smart toilets use microphones to listen to you

Various smart home accessories are making use of home automation assistants like Amazon's Alexa to make the herculean tasks of turning on the tap or warming water less cumbersome. Delta Faucet has a "VoiceIQ" system which "pairs with existing devices to dispense the exact amount of water needed, all with a simple voice command."

Meanwhile, over in the bathroom the Kohler company has come out with an intelligent toilet, The "Numi 2.0", it's voice activated and integrates with Alexa to access news, weather, traffic reports, etc. The Numi enables Alexa to "monitor how often you go the bathroom and how much water you use"  and it also has a smartphone app.  Gives whole new literal meaning to the phrase "Internet of Sh*t".

Read: http://massprivatei.blogspot.com/2019/09/smart-faucets-and-toilets-use-alexa-to.html

--- https://www.theguardian.com/discover-cool-canada/2019/oct/08/quiz-how-well-do-you-know-the-weird-and-wonderful-side-of-canada

--- https://blog.westjet.com/westjet-warns-public-of-phishing-email-scam/

--- Massive Youtube hack targets content creators

Many prominent Youtubers had their channels taken over after their Google accounts were hacked. The attack vector was a simple email phish, directing the victims to a fake Google account login page. The Youtubers who had 2-factor authentication enabled were still hacked, because the phishing attack used a tool called Modlishka which facilitates man-in-the-middle attacks complete with fake 2FA token input screens, which it then uses to log into the real site.

Read: https://www.zdnet.com/article/massive-wave-of-account-hijacks-hits-youtube-creators/

--- US Military will stop using floppy disks to coordinate nuclear launches


--- Google exec says homeowners should warn guests about Nest thermostats

Rick Osterloh confirmed in an interview with the BBC that: "Google's Nest smart devices are always listening, their microphones detect loud noises and cameras track sudden movements in a home".

When a BBC reporter asked him if home owners should warn guests that there are Nest devices present that record their conversations and that they would be on camera, Osterloh, after admitting surprise to having it framed that way, conceded that it would be proper etiquette to do so, and that he already does.

Read: https://www.pulse.ng/bi/tech/google-exec-says-nest-owners-should-probably-warn-their-guests-that-their/z1e1d5n

4) Youse ...

--- Do any of youse guys have any tech news nuggets or want a deeper dive into topics we have not covered?

