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MUGOO Meetings

Photo by Alexandre Pellaes on Unsplash

Go to MUGOO Message Board meetings page. It has:

  • the date and agenda for the next iMeeting
  • agendas, speaker's notes, presentations, and web links from ALL past iMeetings

MUGOO iMeetings are usually held on the held on the fourth Monday of each month (except December) starting at 7:30 PM. We have NO meetings during the summer, namely June, July, and August. Corporate presentations, club member demonstrations, hardware comparisons, software reviews, and questions & answers about Apple related products all dominate the agenda.

The date of the next iMeeting always appears on the MUGOO Message Board meetings page.

To be emailed a reminder before each iMeeting, sign up on the Meeting Reminders page.

If you have any ideas for the iMeeting agenda or if you would like to participate as a presenter, please contact our meeting coordinator.

Page last modified on February 26, 2024, at 02:26 PM